SafeLink Group is among India's one of the top private sector business houses serving over 2 million customers across Travel and Tourism, Travel Academy, Local Placement, Education Abroad and Real Estate Sector. We are planning to enter for new industries such as Healthcare, Entertainment, Food and Beverage Industry very soon.
Founded by Mr.Syed Rawoofuddin, Graduated from India and foreign education from United States of America in the Travel and Tourism Industry. The founder started a small travel agency on 17 September 2007 as a Private Limited Company in the name of SafeLink Travel Consultants Private Limited and then diversified into various business in Telangana State, India. We are planning for the expansion of our services of diversified businesses within India and Abroad in the near future.
The SafeLink Group strongly believes that it has a pivotal role to play in shaping the destiny of our Telangana State and our great nation through its various consumer-facing businesses. The Group provides a robust platform to every Indian to realize his/ her potential through its state-of-the-art-services.
The SafeLink Group enjoys the supreme trust, assurance and confidence of its customers, and is one of the popular employers in the Telangana State, India with a young, highly-trained and motivated workforce, with an average age from 20 to 35 years.
Radwan Rawoof Syed
Managing Director.